Topic for Students Research
1. Themes and Substances ofPhysical Education and Sports Research
A. Components of Physical Education and Sports (In-puts)
1. Learners and their characteristics
1.1. Anthropometric characteristics of learners
1.2. Physiological characteristics of learners
1.3. Psychological characteristics of learners
1.4. Basic movement skills of learners
1.5. Gender differences in anthropometry (physiological,psychological and basic motion)
1.6. Perception of learners towards physical education andsports
1.7. Interest and motivation of learners in participating inphysical education and sports
2. Educators and professionalism
1.1. Quality of physical education and sports educators
1.2. Effective physical education and sports educators
1.3. Competence of Physical Education and Sports Educators
1.4. Welfare of physical education and sports educators
1.5. Physical activity of physical educators and sports
1.6. Education of prospective teachers (pre-servicetraining)
1.7. Education in the department (in-servicetraining)
3. Curriculum and its application
1.1. Analysis of physical education and sports curriculum
1.2. Standard curriculum content
1.3. Implementation of curriculum
1.4. Learning load of learners
1.5. Local content in the curriculum
1.6. Life skills
1.7. Relevance of curriculum to job demands
4. Educational and teaching infrastructure facilities
1.1 Mapping of physical education and sports infrastructure
1.2 Space for physical education and sports
1.3 Minimum standard of physical education and sports
1.4 Development of learning tools
1.5 Modification of facilities and infrastructure
B. Sports Management
1. Physical Education and Sports Planning
1.1. Planning of curricular activities
1.2. Planning of co-curricular activities
1.3. Extra-curricular activity planning
1.4. Planning of championship activities
2. Management of Physical Education and Sports
1.1. Management of curricular activities
1.2. Management of co-curricular activities
1.3. Management of extra-curricular activities
3. Supervision and Monitoring
1.1. Supervisor competence
1.2. Supervision and monitoring
1.3. Results and follow-up
4. Financing of Activities
1.1. Financing of intra-curricular activities
1.2. Financing of extra-curricular activities
1.3. Championship/festival financing
C. Teaching and Learning Process
1. Interaction of Educators and Learners in the Teaching andLearning Process (PBM)
2. Effective Methods in the Teaching and Learning Process(PBM)
3. Use of media in the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM)
4. Modified approach in the Teaching and Learning Process(PBM)
5. Instructional design
6. Class management
7. Analysis of motion skills
1.1. Stages of motion development
1.2. Analysis of kinesiology in motion learning
1.3. Biomechanical analysis in motion learning
1.4. Physiological analysis in the development of motion
D. Extracurricular Activities
1. Participation of learners in extracurricular activities
2. Type of Sport selected
3. Form extra activities
E. Evaluation of Physical Education and Sports
1. Skills test development
2. Development of cognitive tests (Knowledge)
3. Development of affective tests (attitudes)
4. Development of measurement norms
5. Evaluation Procedure
F. Results achieved (Out-puts)
1. Motion skills
1.1. Nutrition and motion skills
1.2. Movement skills and daily activities
1.3. Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) of sending and motionskills
2. Active and healthy Lifestyle
1.1. Daily physical activity of learners
1.2. Fitness condition of learners
1.3. Nutrition and fitness
1.4. Diet and physical condition
1.5. Fitness and productivity
3. Personality
1.1. Character formation and tailoring
1.2. Planting values and tailoring
1.3. Psychic well-being and tailoring
4. Social
1.1. Physical activity and social relationships
1.2. Physical activity and social behavior
1.3. Sports and leadership
1.4. Sport and conflict resolution
G. Environmental Influences
1. Family Environment
1.1. Parental expectations for children
1.2. Parental support for the child's physical activity
1.3. Parenting and its effects
2. Educational environment
1.1. Principal's response to tailoring activities
1.2. Non-tailoring teacher response to tailoring activities
1.3. Support of school facilities
3. Socio-cultural environment
1.1. Lifestyle and physical activity
1.2. Mass media and physical activity
1.3. Peers and physical activity
1.4. Socioeconomic status
4. Geographical Conditions
1.1. Geographical and physical activity patterns